About Us
KPGT was established in 1987. It is the longest standing parent advocacy group in Katy ISD! KPGT partners with Katy ISD in Gifted Education by offering the following:
● Students events
● Instructional resources
● Annual scholarship
● Teachers, counselors, administrators, and parents education
● Teachers and Staff appreciation
KPGT is completely run through volunteer work by parents of identified GT students. Katy ISD Mission Statement for Advanced Academics includes the phrase: “together with family and community” – that’s where KPGT comes in, to help keep the communication between the community and the district strong! KPGT serves as the collective voice of GT parents and students. Additionally, KPGT members and board members have opportunities to serve in district leadership participation through GT Parent Advisory Council, Katy Improvement Council, Katy Leadership, among others.